who is

What can you expect from me? Some people call me dedicated, inspiring, interested and warm, as well as firm and to-the-point. The range of my interests is broad (cf. my CV) but the focus is always on the human factor in all its many facets. My way of working and living is marked by a strong bond with the people around me – colleagues, friends and clients. This bond is where I find the meaning’ and inspiration that I strive to instil in and share with others. To achieve this goal, I use a concrete, practice-oriented and no-nonsense approach in combination with insights from spiritual sources, astrology and Eastern philosophy against my background in (clinical) psychology. This combination ensures that my horizons are broad and that I am always open to new developments.

short cv

Herbert MinderhoudHerbert Minderhoud has his own firm specialised in (career) coaching, counselling and training. He works on a freelance basis for various well-known institutions, including De Baak, Management Centre of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), the NRC Career Academy (Loopbaan Academie) and Talent First. He studied (clinical) psychology at the University of Amsterdam and after graduation he completed several postgraduate programmes in the fields of career issues and mobility (Adviesbureau Hoogendijk, career advisors and consultants), coaching (the ‘Basic Principles of Coaching’ advanced programme at the NPI Institute for Organisational Development), and Astrology at the Stichting Achernar (astrological school) co-founded by Karen Hamaker-Zondag. In recent years, Herbert has studied for a while ‘Arabic Language and Culture’ at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently learning Turkish in Istanbul and Amsterdam. In addition, he is deeply interested in the ancient Indian philosophies. See also under ‘International‘.


Gemeente Amsterdam het Stedelijk Museum het Scheepvaartmuseum Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens, Fortis, ING, Stedin, De Baak Management Centrum VNO-NCW NRC Loopbaanacademie Talent First TorreĆ£o XS4ALL de Nederlandse Ambassade te Ankara de Opvoedpoli Amsterdam ROC/ASA Lucertis Parnassia Bavogroep te Rotterdam Unifair het Wellantcollege GGZ-NHN GGZ Dijk en Duin MBO Amersfoort School voor Welzijn.